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July 23, 2010

Losing weight, feeling great

I've been a member of Curves now for almost four weeks - wow. I never thought I'd ever be able to commit to a gym, even if Curves isn't like a regular gym in the traditional sense. I can tell I'm losing ... something, because I had to buy black pants for an ill-fated job last week, and most pants I got were a size smaller than what I normally wear. Go me! Weigh-in and measurement check is on Monday, and I'm hoping for some sort of loss, no matter how small - at least it'll be a step in the right direction!

I'm not nearly as stressed as I used to be, but I've also slowed my water intake from deliriously thirsty every second of the day to normal water drinking. It's amazing to me that I can just go to the faucet and get drinkable water - that hadn't happened for me in nearly four years! I also think I was seriously dehydrated when I got here, so my body demanded more water than I could stand. It's still my go-to drink of choice, but I'm getting into more of a routine so it's not as frantic. Thankfully, it's still hot (I know, I sound crazy) so I'm also sweating out a ton of toxins and ... weight? Hopefully!

Time to go search Amazon for a Finding Nemo [VHS] tape. Jacobi seems to really like the idea of a tape more than a DVD, even though both levels of the house have DVD and VCR alike. He's an old-fashioned soul.

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