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May 03, 2010

Shock and awe

^That's what I'll feel if I actually lose weight come this weigh-in on the 14th. I feel like a stalwart, like I'm not going anywhere. That's partly contributed to the awesomely crappy weather, which makes me hurt down to my bones and I am not going to walk and/or play outside in the rain/gale winds/cold. It's also contributed to the fact that I sort of momentarily stopped caring what I ate. I mean, I haven't been binging and eating whatever comes down my path, but I've stepped out of my healthy circle and seem to be choosing foods more for comfort than anything.

I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this, and if someone were to delve deep into my psyche, they'd uncover the reason for my weight, and my eating patterns, and my mindset. For those reasons alone, I don't want anyone to do that. I don't want to unearth reasons and discover more about my inner self. I want to choose the lifestyle that's best for me, and not what some overpaid head shrinker can tell me in 50 minutes or less.

Moving and the huge upheaval my life is going to take is more than likely the culprit. I'm stressed and worried and nervous about a whole ton of things - school, work, finding a new job, moving, money - and finding the motivation to care about what I eat falls low on the list. I know this won't happen once I actually move and get settled, but in the meantime, well ... that's all I gots to say about that.

I realize that weigh-in is only 11 days away, and I'm going to do my best to pull it together and make it a good one. Just 3 more pounds and I think I officially hit welter-weight ... or something like that.

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