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July 26, 2010

Oh, what-EVER!

My weigh-in before my workout this morning said I had lost a total of 3.75 inches and only ONE POUND! In addition, the fat indicator thingy said my BMI had gone up! How is that possible when I lost?! I call BS on this one.


July 23, 2010

Losing weight, feeling great

I've been a member of Curves now for almost four weeks - wow. I never thought I'd ever be able to commit to a gym, even if Curves isn't like a regular gym in the traditional sense. I can tell I'm losing ... something, because I had to buy black pants for an ill-fated job last week, and most pants I got were a size smaller than what I normally wear. Go me! Weigh-in and measurement check is on Monday, and I'm hoping for some sort of loss, no matter how small - at least it'll be a step in the right direction!

I'm not nearly as stressed as I used to be, but I've also slowed my water intake from deliriously thirsty every second of the day to normal water drinking. It's amazing to me that I can just go to the faucet and get drinkable water - that hadn't happened for me in nearly four years! I also think I was seriously dehydrated when I got here, so my body demanded more water than I could stand. It's still my go-to drink of choice, but I'm getting into more of a routine so it's not as frantic. Thankfully, it's still hot (I know, I sound crazy) so I'm also sweating out a ton of toxins and ... weight? Hopefully!

Time to go search Amazon for a Finding Nemo [VHS] tape. Jacobi seems to really like the idea of a tape more than a DVD, even though both levels of the house have DVD and VCR alike. He's an old-fashioned soul.

July 12, 2010

Almost a month ...

I've been in Kentucky almost a month now, and my mother says I don't look like I did when I got here, or even when she last saw me. I'm wearing shirts now that haven't fit me properly in ages, jeans that I never thought I'd ever see myself in, and am actually keeping a workout schedule of three times a week at Curves without failure. I bought myself a proper aluminum water bottle like a real adult, have been drinking tons of water and (mostly) watching what I eat so I think by the time my weigh-in comes around again ... well, I'm hoping to have lost at least 5 pounds. I think that's doable, right? The Curves people said that I'll be building up muscle for awhile, but that helps fuel weight loss in the long run.

I'm down with that.

Hopefully, by the time Matt sees me again it'll be like he has a whole new girlfriend!

July 01, 2010


I joined Curves today! Mother signed me up for a free class, and I went and it was awesome so I signed up! I'm really excited, AND ... the coup de grace (heh) - I've lost 13 pounds since my last weigh-in on the 15th! I'm not totally certain, but I'm gonna attribute the sudden drop to sweating my ass off, drinking 2 liters of water a day and healthy portion control. Sweet! One time around the Curves circuit today and the trainer had to go get me a towel, sweat was pouring down my face into my eyes, making it not only hard to see but also to keep my glasses on. That's a fun time!

FYI ... losing this recent weight means I lost more in 2 weeks than I did during the entire Biggest Loser competition at my last job. Amazing what a less-stressed environment will do for a person .... if I could just do something about this awful haircuit I got today. Oh yeah, and find a job :p