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September 08, 2010

Are you kidding me??

My apples ended up being icky in the middle so I had to throw them away. I then go back to the break room to cook my Lean Pocket and ... wtf are those white boxes in the middle of the table? DOUGHNUT BOXES?! Are you absolutely kidding me today, Dear World?

Sigh. Three donuts later, and I'm in total regret and possible denial. Today was a horrible day, maybe tomorrow will be less stressful and doughnut-free in its entirety.


  1. Boy, can I relate...seems like most of my days end up being much like your lunch hour was. I have been trying different types of dieting/working out/you name it, and it just doesn't take much to sidetrack me. A box of doughnuts would have grabbed me by the arm and pulled me right in. LOL...thanks for the excellent blog!

  2. Ha! Thanks for the comment ... I'm glad other people out there can relate to my internal/external struggling :p

  3. Ha! Thanks for the comment ... I'm glad other people out there can relate to my internal/external struggling :p

  4. Ha! Thanks for the comment ... I'm glad other people out there can relate to my internal/external struggling :p

  5. Ha! Thanks for the comment ... I'm glad other people out there can relate to my internal/external struggling :p
